despite what anyone wants to say about emma stone’s met gala outfit, i completely love it. here is my take on the emma duo-tone look.

emma stone met gala 2014

Urban Outfitter's dress

It’s short so you can easily wear it day to night in beautiful summer colors. the side cut outs are flirty in the same way that emma’s out fit shows a little tummy. Aside from being versatile and similar, it is affordable.

Purchase it here.

DSC_0496Summer time can bring a warm, innocent ambient. Any time I wear this (to do things around the house)  I feel like I am a five years old again.

This is the song it reminds me of,

moral: it’s nice to feel just like a child, especially during summertime.

Screen shot 2013-06-29 at 1.16.55 AM

Thursday night was the opening of a new gallery in Downtown Miami. The exhibits featured a  group of prolific European photographers in the historical Security Building.

Miami, especially the Wynwood/Downtown/Miami Beach areas, is known to harbor a particular fervor for art. Such a love  can be seen in the the grandiosity of the street art, the many contemporary museums, the seasonal art festivals and flee markets. The CU-1 debut exhibit, Look at Me, is game-changing among the Miami art scene. CU-1 is one of the few galleries to focus on photography and host an international variety of photographers.

Architectural designs by Paul Solomons // Photographed by Simon Emmett

by Paul Solomons // Photographed by Simon Emmett

CU-1 is located in the historic Security Building. Before antiquation, the Security Building was a bank. All that is left now is chips of the once detailed crown moldings and the old vault in the back.  On the first floor, after mazing through a labyrinth of beautifully curated prints you reach a small doorway into the vault. The rusty, intimidatingly-large, sturdy-looking vault door greets you on your way into the slightly humid, graffiti and corroded safe. The Berlin duo Billy & Hells is displayed in the vault. 

The first floor, not including the vault, featured Roger Weber, Simon Emmett, Paul Solomons, Christopher Thomas, and Tina Luther. The second floor featured a chill dj resemblant of Joaquin Phoenix in I’m Still Here (glasses, crazy beard, the whole nine-yards) and prints from Tina Luther, Roger Weber, and Christopher Thomas.

The whole event was wonderful, a few friends and I volunteered as docents. I feel privileged to have seen the debut. Most contemporary museums display a variety of abstract paintings and sculptures, but rarely are prints featured. The photo space created by CU-1 is as easy to enjoy as the magazines in which the photographs might otherwise be displayed. I might add, fashion is more interesting when it’s not in the context of a magazine; It becomes less suggestive and allows for honest opinions.

Besides the gifts of a year-round summer, Miami also graces it’s city-dwellers with the locality of international art. It doesn’t get any better than this. I recommend, if it’s with in your means, that you vist the CU-1 gallery.

heads up: If you still haven’t guessed my feelings, I really love this gallery. 

Look At Me

CU-1 Gallery: 117 NE 1st Avenue, Downtown Miami, 33132

more than a quarter through 2013, three-quarters done with high school, a realization dawns on me: my passion for fashion is subsidiary to my love for the arts and writing.

consequently, this blog will be broadened to cover art in all its forms. i fear that if i keep my blog in it’s present condition, i would soon abandon it. i would like to restore to my original editorial quality from small talkers.


backpacking by habras featuring a beach backpack
with summer on the seasonal horizon and the academic year drawing near the end, the mind begins to narrow. it focuses on the dream of an adventure. in fact, day dreaming becomes a full time occupation. (more so in the pencil-pushing workplace) yes, it's all setting in. as the anxiety marinates while i wait for this school year to expire, i have drawn together this tiny wish list. it's the love child of my wanderlust and bag-obsession. they're two bags (from left to center) that are collapsable, queue swoon, and all the bags for the most part are made of materials that are meant to weather the elements. the colors, most of all, liven the mood and are consistent with the upcoming spring and summer holidays! i would gladly take any of these pals on my back to the beach, california, a theme park, or even a friend's house. ** oh, and props to Roxy for having the best gear EVER.

About three weeks into 2013, I’ve yet to harness the blogging/academia balance. I’m getting there… but I’m not quite there yet.

Basically, what you’re looking at is Karla and my city/weekend. The hardest part about being a student, is overcoming the length of the week. As you get closer to graduation all you want to do are the things you love, and assignments become deadlines. I know that feeling of fervid verve as the ending of a long semester brings a long-sought, momentary, simmer right before the new semester slingshots you back into overdrive. To people in the same situation, (students): hang tight. Between the long weekends and spring break we should come out of it alive and well with our GPA’s intact.

Keep meeting deadlines, and remember to make time for the things you love. happy hump day.

remember her?

remember her?

key biscayne

key biscayne


all images from my instagram- @zabaf)

ChanelCritics Choice Award

In the ripeness of a new year we enter award season. Aside from acknowledging the fine accomplishments artists have made in the past year, award season is also about who is wearing what. All the reporters hosting the red carpet pre-award coverage edge in the question,”You look amazing! Look at you! Now, tell me… who are you wearing tonight.” Some fashion favorites of the press included Lucy Liu, Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Hudson, and my personal favorite, Anne Hathaway.

After watching Anne Hathaway’s crystalized Chanel dress at the Golden Globe Awards, I figured she should receive some mention. (not that I’m particularly qualified or anything). Certainly, if Anne hath a way, she knows how to dress. Pixie cut, berry lips, and slim lengthy dresses seem to be her present red carpet image. And it works for her.

My two favorite outfits of her’s from the 2013 award season is the Golden Globe white crystal Chanel dress with a slight peplum, and the Critics Choice Award Oscar De La Renta gilded grown.

Anne has come a long way since the Princess Diaries (2001)… Well done Paolo.

(images via Huffington Post)

clutches and sunglasses

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday (christmas, hanukkah, weekday, doomsday, etc.)! I am glad to announce, we have not died. Life on the lovely blue planet earth continues to proliferate and flourish. All is well (score 1 mayans).

As the holiday/gift-giving/gluttony fades away in the warm bokeh christmas lights, we turn a new page on our calendars and prepare to welcome a new year. Before we can jump through into 2013, we mustn’t forget wonderful end of the year sales that just beg to be taken advantage of. If you got a gift that you aren’t fond of, make sure to return it before the value depreciates! (suggestion: do it before new years)

** F.Y.I: the Neiman Marcus x Target Collection is temporarily 50% off! Offer Expires 1/1/2013, and all returns must be made bye 1/5/2013. Meaning, if you have been eye-balling that Marc Jacobs clutch like I have… it’s $34.99. Go for it, all lights green, petal to the metal. 

Any ways, here are a few “nifty gifties” I was lucky enough to get this holiday season.

Marc Jacobs for Target Charcoal clutch, BCBG rose gold envelop clutch, Spitfire tortoise retro glasses, Free People floral print socks, Francesca’s Closet bear beanie, Rookie Yearbook One, Scottish Fine Soaps seaweed soap, Essie “Penny Talk”, Chanel Chance Eau Tendre.

comment below your favorite/worst gift of the 2012 holidays!

canvas sneakers (chuck taylors)

canvas sneakers (chuck taylors)

happy holidays and a merry apocalypse!

I figured I should at least try to make apost before the supposed “end of the world”. I also felt a little guilty for my impromptu holiday hiatus (it just happened…).

Well the temperatures have been dropping all around the country as we enter the peak of holiday gatherings and last minute gift shopping. Just this morning, South Florida woke up to a slightly colder costal breeze! I know I am not any kind of winter-wear expert but here are my  3 different ways to wear warm & patterned crew socks.